Saturday, May 24, 2008

What was she thinking?

I am in the midst of finals, so this will have to be a short one. But one has to ask...


I find it hard to believe that a woman who has been around politics as long as she has couldn't possibly been thinking that "if he gets shot, I get the nomination." Ok,'s the Clintons, so maybe she was. But why would she SAY IT OUT LOUD?????

One of the things that happens in a long campaign, is that people who are inexperienced say so many things, under such pressure, with so little sleep, that dumb things come out. Perhaps this is what happened to Hillary. Lord knows, Obama has committed his share of gaffes lately, but the press will always give him a pass because they want the Democrats to win. But Hillary is keeping that from happening and every little cough and belch right now is under scrutiny.

She likely won't get a single superdelegate now, but I still look for her to win the Puerto Rico primary.

Meanwhile, John McCain addressed two areas that the press was hammering him on: his wife's tax returns and his health. In the words of one press wag, "It looks like McCain has been swimming with cocoons", a reference to this wonderful film from the 80s. The former Navy pilot has obviously been keeping up the PT and runs a schedule that keeps those junk-food eating press weenies tired. He also has a few buddies at his place this weekend, eating brats, downing some of his wife's source of income, and having his ring kissed as they seek the Veep nod. Must be fun.

More later, after finals next week.


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