Saturday, May 31, 2008

Quite a day...

The DNC's Rules and Bylaws committee has issued it's decision.
1) Florida will have half it's delegates restored.
2) So will Michigan.

Hillary's people have accepted #1 and strongly opposed #2. Why? Because OBAMA WAS NOT ON THE BALLOT IN MICHIGAN. Also, they have taken 4 of the delegates she would have won in Michigan and given them to Obama. This is a HUGE mistake. This was a state Obama must have in November. It will only hurt them more with those blue-collar voters. Add on top of that the announcement that Ford is building a giant new $3 billion dollar "global car" plant in Mexico (read NON-UAW workers) and the Obama campaign is really behind the 8-ball in the automobile manufacturing state and it's 17 electoral votes. Why attach that to the Obama campaign? Because Michiganers will remember the story about the Obama people secretly telling the Canadians that they weren't serious about renegotiating NAFTA. Another trust issue for him and white blue-collar voters.

Hillary's spokesman, Harold Ickes, said she reserves the right to challenge this at the credentials committee...which doesn't meet until the Denver convention. While rumors swirl that she is ready to exit gracefully after next week's final primaries, this bone-headed slap at the Clinton candidacy was a bad move. She could have stepped down gracefully...will she now?

Finally, the Obamas chose today to announce their resignation from membership at Trinity United Church. They blamed some of this on press hounding of shut-in members of the church. He's been getting such good press up to now, why bite the hand that fed him? Not smart. This invalidates much of his defense of them in his race speech last March in Philadelphia. Frankly, this is what most political wags would have recommended to him...months ago.

When you consider that he has been selling himself as "change", and he acts like a typical politician, it raises questions in the undecided voter's mind. Obama's people have often characterized the Clintons as people who would do whatever it takes to get elected. So far, those thrown under the Obama bus, have been Rev. Wright, his grandmother, and now the church itself. He's now saying that "I’m confident we’ll be able to find a church that we’re comfortable with,” he said. “We probably won’t make any firm decision on this until January, when we know what our lives are going to be like." So he will now decide on his faith like he's looking for a new place to live closer to work? I don't even know where to go with this.

How are the Obamas any different from the Clintons now?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elaine on Seinfeld said it best, could have been about Barack Obama....

ELAINE: I did not bare myself deliberately, but I tell you, I wish now that I had! Because it is not me that has been exposed, but you! For I have seen the nipple on your soul!

Obama has shown us a glimpse of his soul as he dumps his ain't very pretty.