Thursday, June 19, 2008

Food for thought

After my post on polls the Quinnapiac company came out with several polls showing Obama leading in places that he lost badly in the primaries. I was rather doubtful of the accuracy of the polls, but was wary about my possible prejudice based on my investment of my authorship of a recent blog post on this subject.

I looked back in some archives and came up with this interesting brief but instructive information.

ABC/Washington Post polls:

June 2004: Bush 42, Kerry 48

June 2008: McCain 42, Obama 48

Anyone wanna take a guess on who had lower favorability ratings in June of those years, Bush or McCain? I rest my case. Keep your eyes on the candidates and their reactions.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How do you get to 270?

The challenge for Barack Obama this election is very simple: How do you take away enough "red" states from the Republicans (and hold onto the same "blue" states) to get 270 electoral votes and win the election. It's not likely to end up with that different a result from the last two elections.

The polling this year has made this kind of planning even more difficult. You have to realize that there are two kind of polls these days. You have the media made polls that are usually a combination of a newspaper and a TV network: NBC/WSJ, CNN/USA Today, etc. Those are usually made to have something to write about. The media companies will order a poll of a certain size (bigger is more expensive) and there is not a lot of pressure for accuracy until the weeks previous to the election.

You also have the advertisement poll: polling organizations run polls so that later they can brag that they "got it right...or 'righter' than everyone else." This is the kind reported in the press as "a new Gallup poll says", etc. Polling organizations like Survey USA, Zogby international, Rasmussen Reports, etc. constantly poll. "National" polls are worthless. Why?

It's important that you understand this fact: There is NO SUCH THING AS A NATIONAL ELECTION IN THE USA. What we will have this fall are regional and state elections. What about the presidential election? It's a 51 state election. 51? Yes, the Electoral College is the method we use to choose our presidents. And the District of Columbia, not a state, gets 3 electoral votes as designated in the Twenty-Third Amendment to the US Constitution.

So...the ONLY polls that mean ANYTHING are state polls. Here is where the SECOND type of polling comes into play. Internal polls. One of the activities that costs the MOST amount of money in a presidential campaign is internal polling. These are polls that are done by the campaigns themselves. They are highly accurate with the kind of data that can be gathered using modern methodology. They are also highly confidential. Campaigns use them to make the important decisions regarding what issues to pound home...and which ones to avoid or remain silent on.

Notice that McCain pounds home national security, gasoline issues, taxes, and judges. Obama began loudly proclaiming his opposition to Iraq but has now backed off that and addressed Iran much more lately. McCain can't be heard saying much of anything about abortion. Obama gave a "sermon" in a church on Father's Day about black males becoming more responsible about parenting. All of these talks are not made out of chance, but in response to focus groups and polling data in the states that are key to each candidate. It's also targeted at groups that are most needed by the candidate. Obama's message about black male responsibility will play well with the blue-collar vote he so badly needs. McCain's comments on judges, security, oil, and taxes may bring the conservative Republicans, who he has real problems with, to grudgingly go to the polls in November and hold their noses and pull the lever for him.

Most importantly, you can tell what the internal polling data is telling the candidates by watching WHERE THEY GO TO CAMPAIGN. Obama,for instance, has spent a LOT of time in the usually blue state of Michigan. McCain is also plying the midwest. The dirty little secret is that Obama knows he is in big trouble in the Motor City state. One of the interesting little stories recently has been the resolution of the Michigan delegation to the convention. Obama has played up the fact that he "obeyed the rules" and even took his name off the ballot for the Michigan Primary in the wake of the DNC's disciplinary action against the Democratic party there for it's early primary (a violation of the Democratic National Committee's edict on primary timing).

The fact is that he was relieved at the ruling because he was going to lose badly there. He took his name off the ballot because it allowed him to let Hillary win there without it being a "loss" for him. When he lost Florida badly, it proved the wisdom of that strategy. It also explains the howls from the Hillary camp during the rules committee fight at the end of May over the DNC decision to allocate some of Michigan's reduced delegation to Obama even though he had removed his name from the ballot there. That's when the Hillary people knew the fix was final, and their fate was sealed.

Now, he is in big trouble with Michiganders. You can tell by the number of times he has been there in just the last few weeks. He needs those Hillary supporters to come in line before the convention, otherwise, many of them will work for McCain. It's too late. The horse is out of the barn.

As if to show that his tin ear is at least as good as George W. Bush's, he then gets the endorsement of global warming prize-winner Al Gore in DETROIT of all places. How do you think that went over with the blue-collar community in Michigan as they ponder the mental and federal assault on the industry that produces "greenhouse gases" for the nation? What were his people thinking? This is the same tin ear that unites a labor union with a well-known anti-war organization to attack war hero McCain as a warmonger. This is supposed to win over the "pry it from my cold dead hands" bunch? Are you kidding me?

He's also in trouble in Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania. Remember that he generally underperforms his polling data by about 6-10%. He was supposed to win New Hampshire, California, and was almost tied in Pennsylvania. He narrowly lost NH, but was solidly defeated in California and Pennsylvania. The fact is, if it were not for the caucus system in the Democratic primary system, Hillary would have won the nomination easily. Obama's people out-hustled the hustling Clintons. But caucus organization will not help them in the general election. In fact, most of the caucus states he won were states that the Obama people know they have little chance of defeating McCain in this fall.

His problems in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida is why you see his advisors trying to convince big donors that they have another way to get 270 electoral votes without some key battleground states.

This is probably whistling past the graveyard.

The fact of the matter is that Obama, as the most liberal senator in the US Senate, who has made it a campaign mantra to "bring us together", is going to have a hard time finding a winning electoral strategy. He is up against an opponent who can point to dozens of pieces of major legislation that he has crafted with Democrats in the Senate. It's less about race than it is about class.

The biggest giveaway that the Democrat Party is very uneasy about what the top of the ticket may do to the rest of the Democrat Party candidates is the complaints about the faults in the Democrat primary system from the Democrat Senate Majority leader: Harry Reid.

Reid is from a battleground state: Nevada. He knows that Obama causes unique problems, along with his historic diversity benefit, and he is worried about massive defections to the Republican from the neighboring state of Arizona. His complaints about a "flawed system" the other day were another clue that the DNC's internal polling suggests serious problems from the Obama candidacy. Why complain about the system unless you don't like the result!?!

The above examples of the "tin ear" also reveal a certain arrogance about the Obama campaign. In my years as a competitive swimmer, the coaches used to have little sayings on big cards posted on the bulletin board in the locker room. One I have never forgotten was "He can't beat you with his press clippings."

Words to the can bet John McCain knows that one...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Welcome to the world, Gillian

Coach just became a grandpa! Little Gillian has entered our wonderful world and another proud US citizen is added to our fabulous population.

Mother and daughter are well, and grandpa is raising a glass welcoming his son and daughter-in-law to the wonderful world of parenting!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

He's baaaaaack!

For those of you who have enjoyed this blog so far, I'm sorry. It's been a crazy time with finals, and then another big change in my life.

We are moving! So, my family has been busy packing and toting things 40 miles away to our new full-time abode. I'm not sure how often I will be posting in the immediate future. I still haven't decided on how to acquire internet access there, but it will happen.
is in must be of concern to him. Again, those white auto-workers may
Of course, a lot has happened since my last post. Hillary has suspended, repeat, suspended her campaign. That's a big difference from conceding.

What this means is two-fold: 1) she holds onto her delegates, keeps raising money to pay debts, and remains a threat behind the scenes should Obama stumble badly or something about his past raises it's ugly head. 2) She will give a speech at the convention, have her delegates vote on the ballot, be involved in platform/committee work at the convention, and perhaps keep alive any veep consideration.

In reality, she probably knew this was where her campaign was going to wind up after Super Tuesday. She is now playing the game for 2012. She does NOT want Obama to win this year, but she has to behave like she is doing everything to help him beat John McCain. Why? Because then she would have to wait till 2016 to run! Margaret Thatcher aside, 68-year old women have a tough time winning elections for top-management positions.

She has to worry about what will happen if he loses. She will get blamed for it by many in the party. Bill has damaged her future position with some of the divisive commments he has made in this campaign. The Clintons have come across as "we are entitled to this and how dare you give this to some freshman untried senator over us!"

The fact of the matter is, I repeat, McCain has had the luck of the Irish this year. He won against a weak set of opponents. The Democrats should have had a lock on the White House this year, and yet the Democrat-led Congress has even lower approval ratings than the outgoing Republican president. Amazing.

As for the president's approval ratings, the Senate Intelligence Committee tried to pile on him with a report that stated the old "Bush lied/people died" rhetoric. They never tell you that the Senate Committee had EXACTLY THE SAME INTELLIGENCE that he did and the Senate voted to give him the authorization to go into Iraq. What even MORE interesting is the editorial in today's Washington Post, no fan of President Bush, defending the president on those accusations! This is one of the few links in my piece today, so I highly recommend reading the entirety of this short editorial. You have to read the reports from the government during election time. Many times, like this report, the report's facts don't agree with the summary handed out for the media to devour for the nightly news.

Meanwhile, the Democrats have chosen a nominee that got slaughtered in battleground states, that Democrats can usually count on (Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, even Massachusetts) by a woman whose "brand" has been severely hurt by the comments and baggage she and her husband have brought to the dance this election. In the last several primaries, it became clear that Mrs. Clinton was earning many votes as a "stop Obama" candidate.

So, what happens next? Watch what the candidates do. Obama has been in Michigan three times in the last several days. This means that he needs shoring up there and the problems that Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick be a problem demographic group for him. He MUST have Michigan and its 17 electoral votes if he is going to have a chance. And he has been to North Carolina a few times. It is one of the few southern states where he hopes to win (looking for a coalition of liberal whites on the college campuses with a large African-American community).

Well, this was just a quick summary of where we stand. I will try to sit down and do a longer analytical piece with more links in the next few days. Meanwhile, if you are of the mind to read my more partisan reaction to events, don't forget to click the link at the side and read my "Lincoln's Ghost" blog...!

