Thursday, November 20, 2008

Florida redux

Those of you who remember the long Florida recount and the "hanging chad" controversy will recognize the strategy of the supporters of Democratic candidate Al Franken as the recount of his election contest with Senator Norm Coleman moves forward in Minnesota. Franken is acting as if it is only a matter of time until the seat is his and he is installed in the Senate.

It should be a long and fractious affair if initial trends hold true throughout. The above example of a ballot being challenged by Franken's people as a "dubious vote for Coleman" is liable to not only end in a victory for Franken but also cement the Democratic party as the party of election theft.

After the Gregoire-Rossi fiasco in 2004, Republicans across the country are convinced that it is only a matter of time before this contest is purloined from Senator Coleman and the mantra of "every vote must be counted" is corrected to "every one of OUR votes must be counted."

We have become a banana republic.

Going forward, most of my political posts will be at my "Chairman Barry" blog, linked to the side of this one.

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