Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Trouble in Clinton-land?

This morning finds more trouble on Senator Clinton's plate. Yesterday, Stuart Taylor, Jr., National Journal's political writer listed the baggage that Mrs. Clinton brings to the table here.

Then the Clintons wake up and see trouble in her firewall in New Hampshire and reports of internecine warfare amongst her staff. This is not the sign of inevitability that the Clinton campaign had wanted to put forward as the public face of their efforts.

What does this all mean? So far, not a lot until votes begin to be counted. Obama's big Oprah moment has come and gone, but early efforts like Iowa and New Hampshire are usually won with organization, not polling data...otherwise, we would debating President Howard Dean's chances for a second term.

Going unnoticed has been the terrible management of Pelosi and Reid's Democratic congressional majorities and the continuing control of their agenda by the far-left of the Democratic party. It has led to a standstill of legislation in Congress and yet another looming successful sustaining of a veto by President Bush. Over the last few weeks, the ratings of the President have slowly climbed while the Democratic congress continues to sink.

The coming "Democratic tsunami" in 2008 is not looking so "inevitable" after all.

More later...


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