Thursday, December 13, 2007

Morning Update

Some days I wonder if someone is reading my computer keyboard...this morning's Manchester NH Union Leader, the states largest selling newspaper, has a headline that sounds like yesterday's blog post.

Now the Clintons, already in trouble in Iowa, find that they can no longer stay above the fray. They expected trouble from the Republicans, but didn't expect that the Democrat stalking horses in the primary would force them to go negative so early. When you are the "inevitable" candidate, you can't lose any primaries, especially early on. Clinton, already under the burden of being a nationally well-known candidate with large personal negative ratings, even with liberal women, now has to get down into the mudslinging. I think her husband used to refer to this dismissively as the "politics of personal destruction." This morning's Drudge Report is headlining reports that Obama's past drug use will become part of the whisper campaign against the Illinois senator. One wonders if the whispers about her own husband's past drug questions including cocaine usage will be used by the Obama or Edwards campaign.

Already, it's pretty clear that the problems the two challengers are giving the heir apparent have disqualified both from being on the ticket should Mrs. Clinton secure the nomination. Bill Richardson has quietly put himself in good position for that, spending what little time he has on the stage criticizing the other two and leaving his old boss' spouse unharmed. Plus, being a member of a demographic the Democrat party dearly needs to keep in it's camp (Hispanics) he would be a solid balance to the Clinton ticket for the general election.

But Hillary has to win the nomination first...and the critical element of passion and momentum remains in the Obama campaign. Will he peak too early? Will Hillary hit too hard? Is the voting public paying attention? There is the last debate before the January 3rd Iowa caucus today at 2 pm EST.

Man, I love US politics...get out the popcorn!


David Denninger said...

Drudge Update

Apparently ... "She didn't mean it!"

David Denninger said...

Oops, full link here