Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Reality of "Health Insurance Reform"

It's been a while since I have posted, but there has been a lot of murkiness on the socialized medicine debate.

Why is this such a contentious issue? And more importantly, where did all this sudden opposition come from? Was it ginned up, or "astroturfed"? (This is a term for phony "grassroots" organizing. Astroturfed events are supposed to look like they came from a groundswell of public outrage, but is actually manufactured by well-organized political entities. David Axelrod, Obama's campaign manager proudly claimed the coining of the phrase...and admitting, after the election, that he was a very skillful user of the strategy.

So it should come as no surprise that the White House has attributed the contentious town hall meetings to astroturfing by conservative organizations, Republican operatives, or rabid talk radio personalities.

Michael Barone's latest in the NY Post truly hits the nail on the head by once again citing the reality of the numbers when it comes down to the basic ideological breakdown of the American voting public.

Read it here...and be informed.

More later,


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