Monday, February 23, 2009

Media Malpractice - How Obama Got Elected

Well, it's finally out. I had a great weekend, driving to Tulsa to give a talk on the USA's first ladies, but also got to listen to Bernard Goldberg's latest book. My wife reads some of the books we both are dying to digest when we go on long trips.

Last summer, she shared Mark Steyn's fabulous "America Alone". This trip, we read and discussed Goldberg's "A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media".

It was not surprising but in many ways quite dismaying. Not because Obama won, but because one of America's few professions to enjoy explicit 1st Amendment protections failed us so miserably and INTENTIONALLY in this past election.

If the American people can't count on a free press to be fair and incisive, than what hope to do we have of an informed electorate to make wise choices when electing their government? Now, we are in the middle of several economic and world crises and we just voted for the most popular inexperienced person as "class president."


But wait, there's more! We also took THE ONLY candidate of the four in this election with executive experience and trashed the person like a bowery bum who stumbled into the posh country club. It's eye-opening to see some of the previews for John Ziegler's new documentary "Media Malpractice: How Obama got elected and Palin got targeted."

Who knows? Maybe Obama IS the second coming of Abraham Lincoln. But again, if the system was rigged, how will we ever know if the American people were ever given a fair choice...or, as Bernie Goldberg says in his book, did the press have it's finger pulling on the scales so hard that the McCain-Palin ticket should have just phoned it in and headed off on a vacation? Perhaps the election was little more than a set-up.

I just ordered the film on DVD...I expect I'll have more to say about it later. Meanwhile, here are the links for Bernie's book and John Ziegler's film. John will be plugging the film all this week...and I'm sure he's not expecting fair treatment from the partisan media people he fingers in this travesty.

By the way, I encourage you to click on the link for John's website and watch the trailer he has embedded in his home's most instructive.


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