Sunday, December 21, 2008

All statements by Barack Obama come with an expiration date

You remember it...that race speech that made the presstitutes think he was the next made a tingle go up Chris Matthew's leg...the greatest speech on our biggest problem. I'm talking, of course, of Barack Obama's famous speech from Philadelphia on race.

It was ostensibly to take some of the heat off of him as people were listening to sound clips of his preacher of 20 odd years saying "God damn America" and talking about the "US of KKK".

One of the things that so impressed us about the speech was that he WROTE IT HIMSELF.

Ummm...maybe not.

Now appears a post-election revelation by the Washington Post that he actually gave a number of ideas he wanted covered in the speech to his speechwriter, Jon Favreau, and Favreau worked up a speech that Obama then spent some days tweaking to fit his style.

Is this evil, you ask? Heck no. Few politicians DON'T, have speechwriters do the work for their boss, after having been given guidance on what the boss wants to say. I'm just saying, that it was part of the "lore of Obama" that he wrote that speech by himself after two days of solid work.

I'm just saying what I had said at the time...and was contradicted on by friends and colleagues...HE DIDN'T WRITE IT. So, I get to say, I was right...

But wait...that's not the end of the story. Jon Favreau is part of the story.

Now, all we heard this year was how we needed to find new HOPE that CHANGE was gonna come. And for the most part, the only change has been throwing out most of the Bush people and replacing them with...uh...old CLINTON people. We aren't going to do business like we used to...people deserved to be treated with respect.

We did get some change...and Favreau is part of that change. As part of the inebriated celebration upon Obama's winning of the nomination, a "friend" of Favreau's was stupid enough to post a picture of Favreau and friends groping a cut-out of the Secretary of State nominee.

Fear not...his job with the Obama administration is not in jeopardy...he's not a Republican. Democrats are known to be tolerant and a friend of diversity. It's those neanderthal Republicans, especially those sexist, bigoted, homophobic, warmongering, lying conservatives, who are so unfit to serve our diverse nation.

Repeat after me: All statements by Barack Obama come with an expiration date...

Sexism is now ok. Racism is only a problem for white people. He's for gay marriage, he's against gay marriage. He wants us out of Iraq, we can't leave Iraq quite yet.


I expect this theme to be a regular occurrence on this blog...sad to say.


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