Friday, February 6, 2009

All statements by Barack Obama come with an expiration date...Episode 6...Hope turns to fear

In his Inaugural speech, President Obama said:
On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear

...that is, unless I want you all to force your congressional representatives to spend a trillion dollars without taking the time to debate what is in there and whether the next three generations of Americans should be saddled with the burden of paying back that debt for billions of payback to the interest groups that elected Democrats in November. Change, my butt.

Here is what Obama said YESTERDAY because he wants the Porkulus Bill passed TODAY.
A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe

See, it's not pork. Why, because he says so! No, I'm not kidding. He said all spending is stimulus. You think I'm kidding? Click it and weep.

Charles Krauthammer puts a fine point on it here.

The bill must be killed. Today. Call your congressperson and senators.

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