Thursday, February 5, 2009

All statements by Barack Obama come with an expiration date...Episode 5...Shortest ever

This one could only take a stopwatch to see...
Barack Obama today at a prayer breakfast...
"We know there is no God who condones the killing of an innocent human being."

Does that include his support of the Freedom of Choice Act?
How about his opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act while an Illinois state senator. Has that changed?

It was too late for this infant.

This by the man who, in one of his first executive act, ended the Mexico City Policy which was intended to prevent US foreign aid from assisting in abortion procedures or education/indoctrination.

Look...I'm not a hard-core "pro-life" person, I think there are circumstances that require people to have that choice, and I don't think the government should be involved. But I think President Present really stepped in it here, telling a faith-heavy audience what it wanted to hear. It also happened to be in direct conflict with his past words and recent actions.

I feel like our government has become one long Fellini film.

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