Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Culture of scandal

Americans have become accustomed to scandal in all areas of society, not just politics. Today we will see this in clear focus. It will be interesting to see if race becomes an issue in the wake of the investigations of both Democratic congressman William Jefferson (D-LA) in recent weeks and news of the raid on Reverend Al Sharpton just yesterday.

Most disturbing to people of all political affiliations is the pending release of the Mitchell Investigation. Some names are already being leaked to the press, and they include future Hall of Fame shoe-ins. Former Senator and Majority Leader George Mitchell has been looking into the connections between dozens of top baseball players and a pharmaceutical company tied to the use of performance-enhancing drugs. Shortly after the 2pm EST press conference by Senator Mitchell, Baseball Commissioner and owner (how the heck did we let that happen) Bud Selig will have his own press conference. This is no simple "Black Sox" semi-tawdry Pete Rose betting sideshow...this was common practice, evidently, among several players and clubhouses.

Most Americans call it cheating...and would expect a loss of awards...and a penalty to the guilty. The public will be interested to see how Major League Baseball sees it...

Will there be serious penalties? Or more slaps on the wrist as evidenced by the NFL's limp response to the New England Patriot's scandal that some with a vested interest think should diminish the chances of the football team's run for a perfect regular season record.

Was PT Barnum right? Stay tuned...I expect to edit this post later today to include more links.

Edit: Mitchell's report and list is out...and the famous and obscure are there. Rumors continue that more were left off for want of confirmation. What will Selig do?

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