Saturday, January 31, 2009

All statements by Barack Obama come with an expiration date...Episode 3

One year from now, we have the chance to tell all those corporate lobbyists that the days of them setting the agenda in Washington are over. I have done more to take on lobbyists than any other candidate in this race - and I’ve won. I don’t take a dime of their money, and when I am President, they won’t find a job in my White House.
---Barack Obama, November 3, 2007


First it was lobbyists all over his transition team, (The LA Times cited it as proof that Obama will govern as a "realist") now its lobbyists in several key positions in his White House. When even CNN, The Politico, left-wing bloggers, and the Boston Globe that take notice of these "change"ing ethics, you know it's pretty obvious that things are going to be no different, just a different ideology in the White House.

But even that isn't accurate. The Obama White House is quickly getting a reputation in Washington as being disorganized(Columbia Journalism Review), overloaded with special "czars", and set up to go around his much lauded "Team of Rivals" cabinet. Could the new president be simply using his cabinet as a committee of figureheads set up to keep the nation distracted while his most extreme agenda is stealthily put into motion by "true believers" like Carole Browner and the TRUE culprit in the Scooter Libby leak case, Richard Holbrooke?.

Meanwhile, the more dangerous promises that he IS keeping, like closing down Guantanamo Bay and setting all the terrorists free, is getting ready to open a Pandora's Box of newly energized individuals set on one goal: killing as many Americans as possible.

Yea. Change we can believe in.
Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night.
---Bette Davis in "All About Eve"

Oh, by the way, there is change in the REPUBLICAN party, who just elected their first African-American as the head of the party. Just like the Democrats...uh...nevermind. He's the first African-American head of either party. The new Chairman of the RNC, Michael Steele, former Lt. Governor of Maryland, will be able to shape the message and public perception of the Republican party over the next several election cycles.

Before you say, "Wait a minute, they chose Barack Obama to be their nominee, and thus, the first black president." Wanna bet? If the Democrat party leadership had had it's way, Hillary Clinton would be in the second week of her presidency. THE RANK AND FILE of the Democrat Party chose Obama...NOT the Democrat leadership. Even much of the Democrat black leadership was originally for Hillary, before a slate of early Obama primary victories swung them over to his camp.

And if you don't believe me, just look at the way Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrat leadership's crafting of the Porkulus Bill has gone contrary to Obama's stated goal of including Republican ideas in his legislative agenda. They are happy to have their president sign the bills they send to him...but they don't want him telling them what to put in the bills.

Over the next several months, his fight with talk radio host Rush Limbaugh aside, Obama is likely to have more fights with Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, et. al. than he is to have with the Republican leadership.

The Republicans don't have to votes to stop him or his agenda. But Pelosi and her House Democrats will be writing the bills...and they aren't asking Obama what he would like.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

How will history judge our 43rd president?

I suppose the picture will give away my viewpoint, but I am not alone in my belief that history will be much kinder to George W. Bush than popular culture and the mainstream media in the world have been.

I find it ironic that it sometimes takes the foreign media to give a decent defense of the soon-departed chief executive, but I suppose the epidemic of Obamamania may have intensified some of the worst of the BDS that has infected the nation for so long. (BDS= Bush Derangement Syndrome) The creator of BDS as a symptom also has a pretty decent defense of the president here.

Expect others to follow, but some are not waiting for the coronation of The One to begin to reassess #43. Some good choices are here, here, here, here, here, and here.

It will be interesting to see how #44 does when the pre-season is over.

The media will protect him as long as it can...but like in baseball, the ball always finds the nervous infielder.

President Obama had better bring more than rhetoric to the table.

Glo-bull Warming, Episode 3 Return of the Socialith

The latest scientist of note to jump off the man-made Global Warming bandwagon is William Happer, Physics professor at some hack college in New Jersey...

...oops...It's only PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. What is the matter with him? Doesn't he know the science is in and the debate is over?

I suppose he will get this year's Flat Earth award.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

global warming update I am sure your heard all weekend, global sea ice is back to where it was in know...when they were talking about the coming new ice age?!?

You didn't hear it?

I'm shocked and stunned...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

All statements by Barack Obama come with an expiration date, Episode 2

As I said on December 21st, this will be a regular post on this blog. I got the idea from Jim Geraghty's Campaign Spot on National Review online. This is a hat tip to his blog for this example...but I expect I'll be finding plenty of my own.

Remember when Barack Obama said that lobbyists would not be working in his White House?

I guess he didn't include the Pentagon. Yup, his deputy defense secretary, the guy who will keep an eye on Bush holdover Defense Secretary Gates, is a LOBBYIST.

Just to remind you all...he's NOT the messiah...he's a Chicago politician...and a socialist.

All Barack Obama statements come with an expiration date.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The End of Civilization as we know it, Episode 2

I don't really know what to say about this latest example of the state of the culture in America, but here it is...

Women are buying dolls that look like real babies so that they can enjoy having a baby without all the college education and changing diapers.

No, seriously.

I'm not kidding.

...and that exact example is quoted in here.

Now, I got to go hang myself.

Just kidding...sorta.


Hat tip to KJ Lopez at National Review Online.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

On the approach of Hopey Changemas

As we prepare for the Inauguration of Barack Obama, it's instructive to look at popular culture and see where the American soul stands at this point in time. Two articles this morning caught my attention:

The first was by Jay Nordlinger, Senior Editor of National Review. He had written about a musical concert he had attended where politics were inserted into the comments of the conductor. His dismayed observation led to a flood of confirming stories from other readers, some of those who favored Obama's candidacy, and reflected a concern about politics being inserted into EVERY aspect of our lives and a coarsening of our public manners as a citizenry. I strongly urge anyone who reads this blog to read this article. I sent him an email relating similar experiences I have endured this year, so I guess I felt a little emotionally invested in the subject. You will find some of the snippets shared by the readers dismaying, but also, perhaps, a call to arms of sort. Not to fight a political battle, but perhaps to stand up and be counted.

Perhaps it is time for people to summon some moral courage and nicely, but firmly,inform the offenders that not everyone shares their viewpoint and that rudeness is unkindness; in many ways just as offensive as what the offending blabbermouth is upset with Bush/conservatives/Republicans/Americans about. It will keep happening until people start speaking out.

I know this is difficult for most of us, because we feel we would be perceived as no different than what we are criticizing. It would seem to defeat our purpose.

I happen to subscribe to the Godwin's Law: that "there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" whatever debate was in progress. " But it is also the most recent, and widely accepted, example of a formerly great culture that let it's moral and principles get corrupted due to fear, intimidation, and apathy. Let's not let "groupthink" prevent Americans from speaking up against thought intimidation, even if it comes in the guise of "hope and change" replacing "Bush lied, people died." Frankly, both those concepts are provably fraudulent.

Secondly, a cultural front on these issues is being opened in no less hostile ground than Hollywood itself. After meekly, and secretly, keeping their head down for fear of loss of career destruction and public humiliation, Hollywood conservatives are deciding to "come out of the closet" and go public in a big way. Andrew Breitbart is taking the lead in his organization called "Big Hollywood."

This isn't an "anti-Obama" organization, or even an "anti-liberal" interest group. They are most tired of the default Hollywood position of being "anti-American, especially if a Republican is in power."

No more.

It's about time.


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Man-Made Global Warming: Is it real or not?

Wow...a tough last few weeks for the anthropogenic "climate change" proponents.

First, a long time opponent of the concept of man-made global climate change, Czech President Vaclav Klaus has the EU up in arms because it is the Czech Republic's turn to have it's president be head of the EU. And since the EU is trying to get more compliance with climate change-fighting rules enforced, they are NOT happy about Klaus being the figurehead leader of the EU as they try to get the public to support restrictions on "greenhouse gases."

We also saw a significant article in the London Sunday Telegraph proclaiming that "2008 was the year man-made global warming was disproved." One doesn't have to look far to see examples of those who take an opposing view regarding MMGW, in spite of the efforts to ostracize or even defrock those who disagree. Examples can be found here, here, here, here, here, and here. Where media once assumed that they had better get on board, because their readers agreed with the "climate changers", now, many publish articles debunking the concept, or questioning whether the "science is all in" as Al Gore said the other day.

Now comes an article, in the liberal Huffington Post, of all places, asking Al Gore for linking those who disagree with the conclusion of those who believe that MMGW is a hoax, or at least unproven, are "flat-earthers."

One only has to read the comments after the article to see that the most of the Post's readers disagree strongly with the conclusions of the author. But there is little doubt that polling data shows that the public may have backed off from the contention that CO2 emissions, generally considered the Number One Suspect in anthropogenic climate change, mainly from human activity, is to blame for any conceived climate change affecting the earth's climate.

I have always maintained that MMGW, if it exists, remains unproven. I sense that those who are it's most vociferous proponents have an anti-capitalist, one-world government, and anti-technology/development bias that has led them to listen to the alarmists with little regard for those who cite scientific evidence which contradicts the conclusions of those who disagree.

Science has long since lost it's mantle of dispassionate apolitical guardian of the world and referee of the material orb on which we live. So much has become part of the scientific world: government grant work, a lifetime of "progressive" bias, and anti-capitalist indoctrination at the nation's "higher learning" institutions, and now add in some heavy-duty, and well-financed, "green" organizations with sophisticated propaganda techniques (Al Gore's easily debunked "Oscar-winning 'documentary" required watching for young impressionable children in many an elementary and high-school science classroom).

Why don't those same classrooms watch the Channel 4, UK, counter to the Al Gore film, "The Great Global Warming Swindle?"

Good Question.

If you want to, you can always go to the You Tube here...myself, I went out and ordered a copy from Amazon. What I like about what Little Green Footballs, a conservative blog, has done, is engage in a DEBATE.

The point is this...this debate is NOT decided. The science is NOT in...and before we do the kind of massive and government-controlled surrender of rights, initiative, and lifestyle-change, we should be certain that we have covered our bases on this issue. Why the rush to judgment?

So, if you are going to show Al Gore's film, show the Channel 4 alternative.

Teachers should be fair...and show both if they are going to show one.

I won't hold my breath...