One year from now, we have the chance to tell all those corporate lobbyists that the days of them setting the agenda in Washington are over. I have done more to take on lobbyists than any other candidate in this race - and I’ve won. I don’t take a dime of their money, and when I am President, they won’t find a job in my White House.---Barack Obama, November 3, 2007
First it was lobbyists all over his transition team, (The LA Times cited it as proof that Obama will govern as a "realist") now its lobbyists in several key positions in his White House. When even CNN, The Politico, left-wing bloggers, and the Boston Globe that take notice of these "change"ing ethics, you know it's pretty obvious that things are going to be no different, just a different ideology in the White House.
But even that isn't accurate. The Obama White House is quickly getting a reputation in Washington as being disorganized(Columbia Journalism Review), overloaded with special "czars", and set up to go around his much lauded "Team of Rivals" cabinet. Could the new president be simply using his cabinet as a committee of figureheads set up to keep the nation distracted while his most extreme agenda is stealthily put into motion by "true believers" like Carole Browner and the TRUE culprit in the Scooter Libby leak case, Richard Holbrooke?.
Meanwhile, the more dangerous promises that he IS keeping, like closing down Guantanamo Bay and setting all the terrorists free, is getting ready to open a Pandora's Box of newly energized individuals set on one goal: killing as many Americans as possible.
Yea. Change we can believe in.
Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night.---Bette Davis in "All About Eve"
Oh, by the way, there is change in the REPUBLICAN party, who just elected their first African-American as the head of the party. Just like the Democrats...uh...nevermind. He's the first African-American head of either party. The new Chairman of the RNC, Michael Steele, former Lt. Governor of Maryland, will be able to shape the message and public perception of the Republican party over the next several election cycles.
Before you say, "Wait a minute, they chose Barack Obama to be their nominee, and thus, the first black president." Wanna bet? If the Democrat party leadership had had it's way, Hillary Clinton would be in the second week of her presidency. THE RANK AND FILE of the Democrat Party chose Obama...NOT the Democrat leadership. Even much of the Democrat black leadership was originally for Hillary, before a slate of early Obama primary victories swung them over to his camp.
And if you don't believe me, just look at the way Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrat leadership's crafting of the Porkulus Bill has gone contrary to Obama's stated goal of including Republican ideas in his legislative agenda. They are happy to have their president sign the bills they send to him...but they don't want him telling them what to put in the bills.
Over the next several months, his fight with talk radio host Rush Limbaugh aside, Obama is likely to have more fights with Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, et. al. than he is to have with the Republican leadership.
The Republicans don't have to votes to stop him or his agenda. But Pelosi and her House Democrats will be writing the bills...and they aren't asking Obama what he would like.